Friday, 7 August 2015

Thermomix Up & Go

Serves 1

I've been having so much trouble getting my 6 year old to eat breakfast lately, so I have been making lots of these to speed up our mornings.  This smoothie packs lots of protein, fibre and energy and is a great option for those mornings where you need to run out the door.  You can simply pour it into a travel mug and take it with you in the car. 

Oh, and unlike the commercial variety typically resorted to for convenience, there is no added sugar, flavours or other additives.  Given you can prepare this in literally under 1 minute, there is no excuse not to make your liquid breakfast from scratch. 

What's in it? 

1 ripe banana
1-2 weetbix
250g low-fat milk 
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste or 1tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup frozen berries (optional)

How do I make it? 

Place all ingredients in bowl and blend for 30 sec / speed 8.  Pour and serve. 


The berries are optional.  If you don't have them or choose not to use them, I recommend throwing in a few ice blocks. 

Another great alternative is to omit the berries and instead add 1tbs milo or 2tsp cocoa for a chocolate breakfast smoothie.

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